First, Let get started by defining the meaning of the term its self;
Affiliate marketing is a type of performance-based marketing in which a business rewards one or more affiliates for each visitor or customer brought by the affiliate's own marketing efforts blah blah blah Just like Chatur (Silencer) define machine in 3 idiots Now lemme do in my own way; You are a affiliate marketer equal to You are a middle man like a Agent, Being a MM(middle man) means you invite People with your own customised link to the Merchant site(the sites that really sell the product) Which you take a commission/interest on each product a potential customer you brought to the site buy...Lemme further broke it down for you dear Reader, Just imagine a caretaker that take his own share when he brought a client to rent an apartment Eventually being a Affiliate Marketer Practically means you are an online caretaker

There are many sites out there Ready to make you there dear Affiliate marketer for free of charge And you started making money online too...They range from Abroad/foreign companies to Our own naija firm here...
What you need to get started;
1. A prepared mind (having a desire to make money online)
2. Internet (Either on computer or mobile)
3. Website/blog (optional)
4. Social comm. like facebook, twitter and others Even forums
5. PayPal, payoneer or even your local bank account (Where you receive your commission)

So due to Foreign company sites requirement then you can opt in for our naija site for this program...
You bring potential customer to the sites and thats all my Reader....

Here's one of the Affiliation market here;
The Affiliate program
It pays internet publishers, webmasters and merchants to drive new users and sales to
Affiliates promote with banners, text links and innovative tools such as the Editor's kit and the Flexible destination tool.
In return, they receive commissions for driving new and active users to It is that simple!
BENEFITS COMMISSION; Earn up to 9% per confirmed sale
EXTRAS; Attractive rewards for Top Performers
COOKIE LENGTH; 30 days Creatives Text links and fully updated batch ofbanners in all standard sizes for categories
DATA FEED; Fully updated and automated every 24 hours Support Individual support and technical support from the associate team. Associate Manual Manual
NEWSLETTER; Unique and regular updates for all associates every week including best sellers information and up and coming promotions and offers..
Click here to Register Or Register through my link here to support, You comment below to ask for more sites... Here i rest mah case..

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Internet is full of opportunities to make money online, and blogging is one of the smartest and rewarding way, to earn money. One big mis-conception about blogging is, you need to work day and night to make money. It’s true when you want to create a name along with money, but if your
Search Engine Blaster is the quick & easy way to get submitted and stay submitted on over 600,000 sites across the internet.
Over 85% of Web surfers use search engines to get what they need. Search Engine Blaster allows you to list your business, products, or services on over
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This is one of the Easiest way to make
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Many business owners who want to market their business online have heard of the tremendous benefits of making use of SEO services ( search engine optimization) or PPC services (Pay Per Click).
Each of these online marketing tools can give you very favorable results when managed properly, but few know that you can achieve even more favorable results by combining the two. By combining both SEO and PPC in an integrated online marketing strategy you can maximize each ones strengths and minimize each ones weaknesses. The result gives
you a very powerful online marketing strategy that

will deliver you greater exposure and faster ROI (Return on investment).

1. Dominate organic and paid search
By combining SEO and PPC you will be able to dominate both organic and paid search results. The same keywords that are profitable for PPC can also be used for SEO.

2. Improve CTR (click through rates)
A PPC campaign in combination with SEO will help you to create more compelling content which will be beneficial for both your search ranking and PPC click through rates.

3. Increase your conversion rates
When a potential customer sees your PPC along with your organic search result the chances that they will covert into paying customer increase tremendously.

4. Find the best keywords
PPC is a great tool that gives you measurable results and tells you exactly which keywords and ad copy is the best combination. Once you know which ad copy and keyword combinations gets the best results you can apply them to your SEO strategy as well.

5. Get Maximum exposure
When your business get displayed in both the top PPC spot and organic search results you are essentially pushing one of your competitors of the first page of Google. This will significantly increase your brand awareness and give you maximum exposure.
6. Establish a strong online presence
When you integrate SEO with PPC you establish a strong online presence. By dominating the top search results you will help protect your online reputation.

7. Optimize your spending
Integrating your SEO and PPC efforts can help you maximize the efficacy of your marketing efforts and optimize the spending you need to do to finance your campaigns. With a combined marketing approach, you can make adjustments to your expenses accordingly and allocate resources according to the insights you gain from your campaigns.

8. Improve each tool independently
Insights you get from an integrated SEO and PPC can teach you how to improve each of these digital marketing tools independently. Organic testing of keywords and content will take a long time. Using PPC campaigns to test the efficacy of keywords can improve your content as well as your meta titles and description tags, drawing in more organic traffic from natural search results. This will in turn create a big impact on your quality scores. This translates to greater savings in terms of lesser cost per click, as well as better ad positions for an improved overall PPC performance.

9. Provide in depth market analysis
With an integrated SEO and PPC approach to marketing, you'll get better insights and analysis of your targeted market. PPC advertising is great for testing and getting immediate feedback from your targeted market. SEO on the other hand provides a more in-depth analysis of consumer behavior based on long-term traffic, giving you greater insights on other consumer metrics you wouldn't gain from short-term PPC results. Combining both knowledge gives you a deeper understanding of your targeted market - prepping your business up for eventual domination.

10. Boost E-commerce sales
Many businsses are taking the e-Commerce route towards online success. Even enterprises with more specialized core products and service offerings incorporate e-commerce elements into their online presence to create better brand awareness or boost supplemental sales. Whatever business model it may be, combining PPC with SEO will definitely boost your e-commerce performance. An integrated approach is geared towards attracting highly targeted traffic from both natural and paid channels - essential traffic that according to a Market Live study will boost site revenues by up to 44%.

A good SEO strategy is one where you integrate your SEO campaign with your Pay Per Click campaign.
Article Source:
Search engine optimization (SEO) is as much an art as it is a science. Through experimentation and eventual success in the online marketing industry, Zack Chen has been recognized for superior tactics and stratagem.
What’s the difference between business predictions and horoscopes?
Predictions don’t have to fall victim to hindsight bias. You can measure their accuracy by looking back on what actions came to fruition to prove or disprove your educated guesses. We wanted to see just how skilled we were at researching, analyzing, and making predictions, so we are taking a look back at our predictions for the SEO trends that we said were going to dominate 2014.
Make over $40 a day with Its so true that Many peoples around you are earning huge amount Online from their Computer... Are You ??....If no then No Worry !But this won't happen over night or some few days.. Just be patience..      
Friends i have a trick.Today i will teach you how to earn not $3000 but $50 a day or $1500 a month. Yes, you can earn this amount from your own computer. And the best part is that you do not have to invest even a single Dollar  and you can earn $1500 per month with your own effort, You also do not need even a Single Referral. 
So what's this Dex Hunting, anyway?
See: lots of people post files of any kind on their websites to share them with friends. Those files are "protected" by not mentioning them. There's no
visible link given, and for literally hundreds of thousands this seems to be enough.
There are already enough lies about making money money especially PPC (pay per click) program which tends to waste visitor time and effort without earning a dime Even when the balance show Thousand of bucks... Though they are many fake of this PPC but you are lucky to hit the real and paying one now Readidng my post...

High Paying Keywords for Google Adsense 2014

Why do you need paying for Keywords when you can have it for free here... Let get started, In this post I am giving a list of highest paying keywords to get higher CPC rate for Google Adsense Business. If you work as a Publisher in Google Adsense, then you will always try to get increase in your earning through valid clicks. Many of the publishers get a good CTR rate, but still they can't make much money from their blog and product...
Web presence is essential to all businesses. To establish a web presence, you'll need a website/blog, and to be stable and stay online it needs a reliable web hosting service. So what is reliable? Does "paid hosting" means better, more reliable
The ideal email address is short, simple and logical. Free email addresses are often long and confusing, and they include impersonal domains, like @Hotmail and @Gmail. In business, it is vital to create the right impression - you need an email address that is both unique and memorable. With domain email accounts, you get complete control over your online persona. Using your
A common worry for site owners is that of duplicate content. This worry can develop over time as your site gets bigger you might begin to forget how many pages are on your site and which elements are
duplicated. Moreover, this worry seems to stem from the fact that SEO’s are unsure as to what exactly is duplicate content. Duplicate content is a big issue which affects both SEO and content marketing. Unique content for SEO Search engines want to filter out duplicative content – this means they don’t want to show things that are the same. Search engines don’t want to show a set of results where all the rankings show the same article which contains the same content, photos etc. Search engines like Google know that users won’t like having a whole list of sites with the same content, which completely makes sense. However, it does leave us asking, how unique should I be with my content? Unique content for content marketing Firstly let’s explain the term unique content; this refers to the unique material on a page. When you break it down and exclude the likes of footers, ads and sidebars etc., this leaves a low percentage of page space which contains text. If you’re worried about having pages with light content, don’t worry about it too much as this is a common occurrence with many sites. What really matters is the unique value of the content which fills this space. Duplication applies to internal and external sources Internal – engines will try to ignore this if it’s occurring in small and subtle amounts happening here and there. There’s a reason for this, such as search engines accommodating for different versions of your pages such as mobile and print etc. External – you can include text from other sources but don’t overstep the mark here. By all means take a paragraph from Wikipedia or cite a blogger including some of their phrases or even use a YouTube video to supplement your content. It’s not duplicative as long as you’re adding unique value to this. This means you need to add your own insights into the piece, whether it be unique photo content or unique insider tips and comments. If you’re not adding value then it’s not unique enough for the search engines and why would it be if all you’ve done is a copy and paste. One more thing, a lot of SEO’s discuss a magical % of unique content that your pages should have. I’m sure I’ve even seen tools which assess your pages and give you a value of their uniqueness compared to this mythical perfect score. Well, it truly is a myth there’s no perfect percentage score that your pages should have. For Google this doesn’t exist so why should it exist for SEO’s? The algorithms are far more sophisticated than a specific percentage for unique content. Many different aspects are checked and scrutinised to deliver the best possible search results such as backlinks, comments, and social signals even domain authority can also play a role here. Finally, please remember that due to the Panda update duplicative content in one area of your site can harm your whole site. If you’re nervous about this you can robots.txt this content so robots don’t crawl it and you can make use of the rel canonical tag.
A common worry for site owners is that of duplicate content. This worry can develop over time as your site gets bigger you might begin to forget how many pages are on your site and which elements are duplicated. Moreover, this worry seems to stem from the fact that SEO’s are unsure as to what exactly is duplicate content.
At the end of the day, every online initiative,
including that of web content writing aims at
persuading prospects into accepting what you have
to offer or taking an intended action.
Whether you want your audience to buy something,
subscribe to something or believe in something, the
Earn Money From The Comfort of Your Home
One of the nicest things about earning money online
is that you are able to do it from the comfort of your
own home. Of course a lot of this depends on the
type of industry you work in, but generally speaking
you have much more flexibility when you work an
A leading question raised by website content
writers today is - "How do I write a copy that
facilitates conversions?"
More often than not, the success of any web
marketing project often relies on the quality of table
content - and the impact it has on the target
Let's start with a quick definition:
An authority site in my parlance is ANY website
that gets "trust" from it's ideal audience, by virtue of
it's very being.
And trust, as you are about to see... is NOT created
equal online.
For example, while it's obviously done... it's actually
very TOUGH to earn $1000 a week from scratch in
a conventional "this is my business" type of blog.
In other words, setting up a blog where you post
about how smart you are by sharing strategies, or
how much experience you have, or how well you
are doing in A, B or C niche, market or industry.
That sort of trust takes a LONG time to earn.
On the flip side?
Creating an authority site that offers INSTANT value
to your ideal audience, the PUBLIC, and other
professional folks in your niche is dead easy to set
up, earns "instant" trust, and doesn't really require
YOU do much of any selling at all.
A good example of this sort of site?
A local directory that caters to a specific
community, niche, market, industry or geography.
All you need to do to set up THIS sort of authority is
to be the one who was proactive enough to set up
the site. (and then seed it with some content and go
out and promote it to the public)
Or, a Q and A site. Again, you can do this in a niche
or industry... OR, even better, in a given
geographical area instead. (like a real estate or
lifestyle Q and A in a resort city, or a topical Q and
A in a high value niche like credit, finance, or
If you think about it for a minute... these sorts of
sites INHERIT a lot of authority and the
PERCEPTION of expertise, simply because they
exist. As someone who travels a lot, If I'm
searching for information on a specific city and I
find a Q and A or forum on a given topic that has a
fair amount of user engagement, I'm very inclined to
almost subconsciously... and automatically, believe
it's authoritative. I'm also more inclined to click on
the ads, or buy a guide, or solicit the advice of the
professionals or proprietor who runs the
In my own business... I've used authority sites to
create online ASSETS (as they have value) as well
as to use these asset to position MYSELF as an
expert or authority in the niche that I'm targeting.
Then, I'm able to approach the people who WORK in
that niche with online "agency" offers that build off of
the trust they invested in me by owning something
notable in our niche.
Want to sell online services to realtors where YOU
live? Build a real estate directory in your town. Want
to target young single people who need help building
BUZZ for their blog or professional profiles? Or,
maybe you want to help new companies build BUZZ
for their brand where you live?
Create a job board that serves your community -
both the people looking for work, as well as the cool
companies looking to hire the best talent around.
The truth is, you can earn $1000 a week in a
myriad of ways selling services to the folks who
you want to SERVE who use your authority site, or
you can monetize your project through ads,
membership fees, ebook sales, coaching and
consulting offers, or MY favorite approach, selling
higher end coaching and consulting that really
DOES work wonderfully well for folks who need
marketing help in my local community.
The first 2K I ever earned online? It took me 3 days
to finish, and gave me the light bulb moment that
brought my business alive. It wasn't through affiliate
marketing, or ebooks, or gimmicks, gadgets or
gurus. It was by simply building something like
above, and then SELLING that site to someone who
wanted the "authority" that site would earn. (in this
case a small dental Q and A blog that the dentist
who bought it close to a decade ago... still uses to
sell his "expertise" to this very day)
An authority site is NOT a magic bullet. It IS a
competitive advantage though that will allow to not
only LOOK a lot smarter than you may already feel,
but it also offers you a whole lot of instant gravitas,
and marketing flexibility to be able to ADD value to
your audience on day 1.
How to find keywords for a web site is a question faced by many Internet marketers. The ultimate goal is for the key words help you earn, they have to target the audience that will convert to buyers and they have to provide sufficient amount of traffic
so it can all work out. In order to achieve this keywords need to have following features:
The Internet is one very important and powerful tool that greatly contributes to the success of a
business. With more and more consumers using their portable Internet-connecting devices


What would you do for just $5? Well, there are plenty of people across the web (and the rest of the
world) who are perfectly willing to do practically anything for $5. That's thanks to a site known as

All about Fiverr

Fiverr is an online marketplace that allows people from across the world to offer tasks and services
(gigs) to potential clients. The site gets its name from the lowest amount that each user can charge
for gigs to sell, which is $5 USD. This is known as a "microtransaction" website. Fiverr is the largest in the world of its kind.
Even though most gigs are priced at $5, their services generally range between $5 to as much as
$500. The site also allows users to offer Gig Extras or peripheral features (add-ons) that complement
their main gigs.
All sorts of freelancers and hobbyists use Fiverr to, well, make money. Some users are even quite
lucrative on the site, thanks to their Fiverr gigs. Don't be fooled by the low price of gigs on Fiverr
though. Many sellers make a lot of money on Fiverr. Though, you're probably wondering to yourself, how do you make money on Fiverr in the first place?

Tips for making money on Fiverr

Anyone can make money from setting up a few Fiverr gigs. Though, a lot of people find it difficult to
actually keep making money on the fiverr. So, to help
out, here are some tips from Fiverr experts that may help people like you make money on Fiverr.

1. Provide a unique service or, alternatively, provide a service that you know others can use. By now,
there are many users on Fiverr doing similar gigs
-don't let that stop you, though. As long as you have something that people feel comfortable buying, you have the potential to make money on the site.
2. Find gigs to sell that you can do repetitively. Most of the Fiverr gigs you complete will be the same
gig. If you can't handle working on the same gig for different clients, you won't be able to take
advantage of the opportunity.
3. Deliver your Fiverr gigs well ahead or on time. They say to under promise and over deliver for any
gig, and that rings true for Fiverr gigs. It's important to be honest about your delivery times on Fiverr, so your clients will understand how long you may need to complete the gig. Don't forget to do your best to provide a quality gig-many of the best Fiverr users get repeat customers for that reason.
4. Optimize your Fiverr listings. You can't just make a plan Fiverr listing-take the time to add photos,
videos and a keyword-optimized description to your Fiverr gigs. Taking time to ensure that your listings are 'visible' will allow more people to find them and, well, buy them.
5. Work towards becoming a Level 1 Seller. Fiverr has seller "levels", each with their own unique set of perks like the ability to add Gig extras. The most important thing about these levels however, is that they place a badge next to your name and gigs which allows buyers to trust you more. Getting to
level 1 is not difficult. It only requires you to be a member on Fiverr for at least a month and to
complete 10 orders.
6. See what your competitors on Fiverr are doing. Take a look at the gigs that are similar to yours that
sell the best. What keywords do they use? What gig extras do they offer? What kind of gig photo or video do they have? Use this as inspiration for your own gigs and to get ideas.
If you always wanted to turn a passion, hobby or skill into a great side-income, Fiverr is a terrific
place to start. It's free to sign up and to use. Fiverr does take a 20% cut from all your earnings so it is
something to consider when starting your money making journey on the microtransaction website.
 Here's just the basics of guide you can checkout more more advance ways to earn extra incomes here...
Stay tuned for more BOOK...
Just download this and you are good to go...
If you're an online marketer and own a website, you know what free traffic means. You also know there's really no such thing as free. There are free
traffic exchanges that allow you to get free traffic to your website or promotion, but you must spend your
time surfing through other websites to earn credits.
How well is your website performing? Are you
satisfied with the amount of customers who view
your website? Do you get enough business through
your website? By reading this article you will be in a
position to do something about all three questions.
This article is about a free website which has a
great text analysis tool, that is very useful for
anyone in the internet marketing game or who
Search engine optimization is affected by how you build your web ages.
Knowing the building blocks of websites is a crucial tool especially for beginners. Knowing how sites are built will help anyone to know how websites will land on the top rankings of search engines.
Here are some things that you need to avoid when designing your website: 
Search engines use algorithms to determine where a web page ranks for a particular keyword used in a search. Algorithms are programming systems that determine how a search engine indexes content and displays the results to its users.
Two main factors search engines use to determine ranking is the content on a web page and “off- page-factors” (such as the text used along with links that point to a web page). The latter to our mind is very important and neglected by most companies.
The factors such as content ‘scored’ on a web page vary with differing weights given by different search engines. However, some things such as the positioning of keywords and frequency we consider universally important. For instance, keywords or phrases that occur in headings, page titles and other key places on the web page are more significant than keywords that appear in a more random fashion in the middle of a page.
When considering “offsite” factors, the number of quality pages linking to a web page is significant to a web page’s ranking. Good websites have many other sites that link to them. More recently, the advent of social networking and forums adds a new and very important dynamic – consumer buzz.
At the same time, the relevance of linking is important too and determines “link relevance” and weighting. In short, this means that a link to your page from a similar website or a page having the same keywords as the page linked to is more important than a link to your web page from an unrelated sight or page with different content. The text in the link itself is also important, known as “anchor text” or “link reputation”. We will cover link reputation later.
Link reputation is widely accepted as a main factor for Google’s PageRank system. Again, we will discuss this in more detail in Chapters 6 and 8.
In short, PageRank reflects the quality of a web page. The number of links pointing to that page has a direct influence on PageRank, but abuse forces Google to change its algorithm and thus we to modify our strategy to demonstrate our websites are deserving of our popularity. At the same time, the higher the importance of a website that links to a web page, the better it is the better that is for the linked pages rankings.
It is important to note that each web page has an assigned rank, which divides amongst the links going out from that page. The more links that point out from a web page the less important each link becomes. Therefore, PageRank is not only about a link coming from a popular site, it is also proportional to the number of links going out from that site.
Chapter 6 will discuss in more detail how to make the most of how PageRank flows within a site, which can help one control the profile of the most important pages on a website.
Affiliate internet marketing tip - affiliate programs have become more popular nowadays, especially for sales people who want to make money easily and quickly. Below you can to find 6 tips to choose good affiliate programs.
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