Free SEO keyword analyzer tool!

This article is about a free website which has a
great text analysis tool, that is very useful for
anyone in the internet marketing game or who

optimizes their website for search engine rankings.
The sites address is this tool
really does the job when it comes to analyzing
either all the text on a website or just a certain
portion of your choice. Giving you all sorts of great
information about the keywords used in the site.
When you first enter the site you can either paste in
a certain portion of text into the designated area, or
you just type in the URL of the whole website you
would like to have analyzed. Then you can choose
as to what analysis options you would like to
perform. Such as the minimum characters per
word, whether you would like it to ignore numbers,
and a few more. After you chose your options then
you simply click analyze the text, thus returning you
a complete very detailed analysis.
At the very top of your analysis it shows some
basic text information like the total word count,
number of different words used, sentence count, a
readability index ranging from easy to hard. That
little function comes in handy, because you
definitely want the text of your page to be easy for
the viewer to read.
The next and perhaps most important feature,
shows you the occurrences and frequency at which
the top keywords for your page show up. It ranks
them from the number one word to whichever
number you would like it to stop at. That is set at
the options you chose before you analyzed the text.
This particular feature is very nice to SEO's, seeing
as that it lists the top words on a site and the
density/frequency of which they appear. So an
example of how this might help would be if you
were targeting to have a certain keyword density
for a particular keyword on your site. Thus enabling
you to figure out whether to add more or less of that
word to meet the density at which is required for
the search engines to list you for that keyword.
Not only does this tell you your top ranking
keywords it tell you the top word phrases, ranging
from 2 word to 5 word phrases. It gives the count of
how many times that phrase was used and also
shows the frequency compared to the rest of the
text on the page.
Anyone who is in the internet marketing field
especially marketers who optimize their websites
for search engine traffic can make great use of this
free tool. I personally find great use in this tool for
the process of my keyword research, which is
essential for any search engine optimization

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